There are two ways to submit licenses, certifications, and registrations (LCRs) in EverCheck Wallet:
You have a task from a workplace in your Wallet Inbox on the Wallet homepage.
- You’ve renewed, and you need to update your license in your Wallet account.
1. You have a task from a workplace in your Wallet Inbox on the Wallet homepage.
Some workplaces track certain licenses, certifications, and registrations (LCRs) you hold as an employment requirement.
If you are required by a workplace to submit or update an LCR, you’ll see a message in your EverCheck Wallet Inbox on the Wallet homepage.
Step 1: Sign in to your EverCheck Wallet account by visiting and entering your login credentials.
Step 2: Click on the task within your Inbox on the Wallet homepage. The name of the workplace requesting this information from you appears under the task.
Step 3: Follow the prompts to submit your LCR details.
3a: Wallet prompts you to submit your license number. Enter your license number exactly as it appears with the issuing authority. Then, select Continue to ensure this license has been submitted for verification to your workplace.
3b: Wallet prompts you to provide documentation. Drag and drop or browse your computer files to provide a front and back image of your LCR. Then, enter the license number, if applicable, and the expiration date. Then, select Continue to ensure this license has been submitted for verification to your workplace.
Note: For specific instructions on submitting American Heart Association credentials, including e-cards, RQI cards, and more, click here.
Step 4: Confirm the LCR has been verified.
4a: Wallet automatically verifies your LCR with the issuing authority. For any licenses where you were prompted to enter your license number, EverCheck Wallet automatically verifies this information with the primary source. This can take up to 1-2 business days. You’ll see the license status as “verifying” in the meantime. You'll receive an email and an Inbox notification on the Wallet homepage once the LCR has been successfully or unsuccessfully verified.
If your license was successfully verified, there’s nothing more to do on your end.If your license did not successfully verify, review the details you provided and resubmit. -
4b: Your workplace verifies your LCR. For any licenses where you were prompted to submit documentation, your workplace must review and attest to the documentation in order to verify it. How long this takes depends on your workplace, so you may see a status of “Verifying” for some time.
If your license was accepted by your workplace, you’ll see the status change from “Verifying” to “Clear,” and there’s nothing more to do on your end.
If your license was rejected by your workplace, you’ll receive an email and an Inbox notification on the Wallet homepage alerting you that it was rejected and the reasoning your workplace provided. If this happens, please address the reason and resubmit your LCR. For additional questions regarding the reasoning, please reach out to your HR team.
2. You’ve renewed, and you need to update your license in your Wallet account.
If you’ve renewed your LCR and would like to provide the updated information to EverCheck Wallet, you’re able to do so from within your Wallet account.
Step 1: Sign in to your EverCheck Wallet account by visiting and entering your login credentials.
Step 2: Navigate to your Licenses section. This section contains all of the licenses, certifications, and registrations EverCheck Wallet currently has on record for you.
Step 3: Check to see if you’re able to update your LCR via EverCheck Wallet.
For some of your LCRs, EverCheck automatically captures your renewal from the issuing authority. This typically takes 1-2 business days after the board posts the renewal information online.
For others, you’ll need to update the LCR manually. Here’s how:
- Select the three-dot menu on the LCR you’d like to update.
- If you see “Update”, that means this is an LCR you’re able to update manually. Select Update.
Step 4: Follow the prompts to update your LCR details. Select Upload a photo. Drag and drop or browse for your computer files to provide a front and back image of your LCR. Then, enter the recommended renewal date. Be sure to follow the task to completion to ensure this LCR is submitted to your workplace for verification.
Step 5: Confirm the LCR has been verified.
For any licenses where you were prompted to Update your renewal details, your workplace must review and attest to the documentation to verify it. How long this takes depends on your workplace, so you may see a status of “Verifying” for some time.
If your license was accepted by your workplace, you’ll see the status change from “Verifying” to “Clear,” and there’s nothing more to do on your end.
If your license was rejected by your workplace, you’ll receive an email and an Inbox notification on the Wallet homepage alerting you that it was rejected and the reasoning your workplace provided. If this happens, please address the reason and resubmit your LCR.
Still need help? Here are some additional resources:
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