If you are unable to remember your account password, you can do so here, or you can click the Forgot username / password? button on the Wallet login page.
On this page, you will be able to send yourself a password reset link by entering the email address you registered your Wallet account.
If you are unable to remember your email address, you can choose to enter your employee ID and last name instead by using the dropdown menu and selecting Employee ID.
Once that information has been entered and if Wallet recognizes the account information, you will receive a confirmation popup and should receive a password reset email shortly.
Note: If you do not receive the password reset email, please also check your spam folder. This email will also contain the username associated with your last name and employee ID. If you forget both your email and password, this feature can be used to find out both.
If you’ve explored the possible issues above and are still having trouble logging into your account, please contact support using the chat bubble at the bottom right of the screen or reach out to support@evercheckwallet.com.
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