Your workplace may request that you submit licenses, certifications, and/or registrations (LCRs) to them via EverCheck Wallet. Whether you’re a new employee submitting licensure for the first time or a current employee providing updates to expired/expiring licensure, etc., here’s how you will complete your workplace’s request.
1. Sign in to your EverCheck Wallet account via
Please note: You must register your account before submitting LCRs to your workplace.
2. Requests from your workplace to submit LCRs will appear as tasks in your EverCheck Wallet Inbox on the Wallet homepage. Click the Inbox task that says Submit your license details.
Here, you will be prompted to submit your credentials or any other requirements your workplace is requesting.
The information that EverCheck Wallet asks for varies and is based on your specific LCR type. You may be asked to enter a license number and/or provide photo documentation. If, for whatever reason, you do not hold the LCR that your workplace is requesting, click here.
Helpful tips when submitting your credentials:
License numbers: Enter your license number exactly as it appears with the issuing authority. There are suggested license formats for each license type so the page will let you know if you are trying to submit the wrong format for that profession (shown in the images below).
- It's important to type in the license number, instead of copying and pasting the license number from the board website. Sometimes the characters get lost in translation, and it won't register with EverCheck Wallet.
- Be sure there aren't any extra spaces before or after the text you enter.
Photo documentation: If you’re on your desktop, you may browse files on your computer or simply drag and drop files directly onto the screen. Accepted file types include .jpg, .jpeg, .png, PDF, and .tiff.
3. After entering the information for your specific LCR, click Yes, continue to ensure that your information has been submitted to your workplace.
Your LCRs have now been submitted for verification. However, this does not ensure that your workplace will accept your submission. If, for any reason, your LCR was rejected, you will receive an email notification to resubmit your information.
No further action is required if you do not receive a notification to resubmit.
Want to add additional licenses to your account? Click here to learn more.
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